Moldpay company is the first Moldavian network of the cash collection terminals.
Moldpay has been founded in December, 2006. Official date of the service launch is November 1, 2007.
The core business of the company is cash collection for the services rendered to Moldavian population in favor of service providers. Company owns processing center and network of 200 (and counting) terminals, which allow payer to complete transaction in 2-10 seconds.Network of the terminals Moldpay could be used for the payments of the wide range of services such as payments for services of Mobile Operators, Internet providers,
A Joint Moldo-Russian company Eventis Mobile, after aquisition of the GSM900/1800 license in 2006, became the 3rd GSM operator in Moldova. Controlling shareholder of the company is EVENTIS TELECOM HOLDING LTD.
Main activities of the EVENTIS TELECOM HOLDING LTD include services of mobile and fixed-line telephony, data transfer and Internet access. Moldova, after Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan and Uzbekistan, became 4th country in CIS, where EVENTIS TELECOM HOLDING LTD has its telecommunications assets. |
Orange is the brand used by France Telecom to provide mobile communication, Internet and television services. The France Telecom group is one of the world leaders in telecommunication services, with more than 163 million customers on five continents
That's because Orange is known for creativity, boldness and dynamism. Because care for details and consequence define Orange's actions. Orange means we will change existing patterns and develop continuously in order to offer you quality service, innovation and transparency. |